Getting started with Java EE and Websphere AS

If you need learning JEE ( Java Enterprise Edition) formerly J2EE with Wesphere Aplication Server, I really recommend the sources below:

Redbook – Experience Java EE! Using WebSphere Application Server Community Edition 2.1
This redbook is a hands-on guide to developing a comprehensive Java™ EE application
using WebSphere® Application Server Community Edition v2.1 (WASCE).
I recommend it who is interesting in developing JEE aplication.
It’s important to know that WebSphere® Application Server Community Edition v2.1 (WASCE) is basead on Apache Geronimo AS.

Redbook – WebSphere Application Server Community Edition 2.0 User Guide
This redbook takes you through the basics of using WebSphere® Application Server Community Edition V2 to run applications.
I recommend it who is interesting in administration of JEE aplication

Redpaper – WebSphere Application Server V7.0: Technical Overview
This redpaper is discussion centers on the runtime server component of WebSphere Application Server.
I recommend it who is interesting in administring JEE aplication, SysAdmin who is interesting in to know the new WAS v.7.

Redbook – WebSphere Application Server V7: Concepts, Planning and Design
This redbook discusses the concepts, planning, and design of WebSphere® Application
Server V7.0 environments. This book is aimed at IT architects and
consultants who want more information for the planning and designing of
application-serving environments, ranging from small to large, and
complex implementations.

IBM Education Assistant – Introduction to WebSphere Application Server V7
This presentation will provide a high-level of WebSphere Application Server V7.

If you wanna add some sources useful to us, leave a comment, please.


Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho

Presentation: REST: A Pragmatic Introduction to the Web’s Architecture

In this presentation recorded during QCon London 2008, Stefan Tilkov introduces the audience to REST seen as an architectural style. He thinks that REST is not an alternative to SOA but it can serve SOA to reach its goals. Stefan also covers other related topics: HTTP, WS-*, SOAP, CORBA, RPC, enterprise, in an attempt to make the listeners understand what REST is and what is not and how it helps.

Watch: REST: A Pragmatic Introduction to the Web’s Architecture (1h)

Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho

Ted Neward on Present and Past Languages

In this interview filmed during QCon London 2008, Ted Neward, author of “Effective Enterprise Java”, talks about languages, statical, dynamical, objectual or functional. He dives into Java, C#, C++, Haskell, Scala, VB, and Lisp, to name some of them, comparing the benefits and disadvantages of using one or another.

Ted Neward has been using C++ since 1991, Java since 1997, and .NET since 2000. He is a .NET instructor with PluralSight, teaches Java independently, speaks at conferences worldwide in both the Java and .NET communities, writes for MSDN, InfoQ and TheServerSide, authored the books C# In a Nutshell, SSCLI Essentials and Effective Enterprise Java, among others

Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho

Eclipse and Java: Introducing Persistence

After the series of 16 tutorials is designed to help you started writing Java programs using the Eclipse integrated development environment, I posted Eclipse and Java for total beginners, we have a new series of tutorials.

Eclipse and Java: Introducing Persistence was designed to teach beginning Java programmers how to save Java objects to disk files using XML or object serialization. If you have completed the Total Beginners tutorial or have some basic familiarity with Eclipse and Java, then these series are for you.

Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho

Webcasts gratuitos sobre Ruby on Rails


Vi esse poste do Nome do Jogo feito pelo Carlos Brando e achei muito legal, então estou replicando aqui. Parabéns Carlos Brando, realmente gostei muito disso.

O site webcast.berkeley disponibilizou uma série de webcasts sobre Ruby on Rails.

Os webcasts mostram os conceitos básicos do Ruby e do framework Rails. São ao todo 6 episódios com uma hora de duração cada.

Hello World
Just Enough Ruby
Basics of Rails
Advanced Model Relations
AJAX & Testing
Configuration & Deployment

Além disto você pode obter todo o material do curso aqui.

Kleber Rodrigo de Carvalho